Spanking News, Spanking Reviews and Spanking Articles

The Spanking Blog

This is an adult site dedicated to the exploration of spanking between consenting adults. The main focus is on disciplinary spankings portrayed in various spanking videos and pictures, with sample pictures and reviews of the spanking content. The most recent blog posts appear below, and the free spanking picture galleries on this site can be found on the menu on the left. All spanking content on this site is free, and any link leading you outside of this site is clearly labeled as such. You must be 18 years or older to view this site.

[ Monday, May 16, 2005 ]

New TGP Galleries

Over the weekend I added many new galleries to the Spanking TGP.  These galleries are from my sites,,, ,and  These galleries will rotate like the others, so ou will see different galleries each day.  Enjoy!

Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/16 at 06:18 AM

[ Friday, May 13, 2005 ]

Spanking Money

Last week I posted about our new affilite site Spanking Money.  I wanted to update those of you who were interested that our new hosted galleries are now up and running.  Webmasters just need to login with their info and enter their affiliate id and the software will generate your gallery links.  I will keep you up to date as the resources provided for webmasters continues to evolve.  For complete details of the various programs visit $$$ Spanking Money $$$

Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/13 at 06:36 AM

[ Thursday, May 12, 2005 ]

Sorority paddling for fun and for photos

In looking for additional information and pictures of sorority paddling, I came across all sorts of pictures that involve sorority girls being paddled, but more for fun as opposed to some official sorority activity.  Most of the pictures seems to suggest that when a bunch of college frat boys and sorority girls get together and get drunk, they find it hard to ingnore the fact that there are paddled haging on the wall just begging to be used.

Many of the pictures are just people posing and pretending to be spanked or paddled:





But I found that if you look closely at all of the details you can generally tell if someone is really getting their bottom smacked or not.  It may be the way the paddle is being held, or the position the person is in, but you can almost always tell by the reactions of those watching.  The one thing that most of the pics seem to have in common is that everyone is having a good time.  Whether it is the person that is about to be paddled, the person doing the paddling, or the people watching, everyone seems to always have a smile on their face.  I am sure the smile dissapears for a few minutes after a hard swat, but in general, everyone seems to enjoy it when their is some spanking action going on.

In these next few pics it is clear that the board is going to be hitting someone’s bottom and they are not just posing for a picture:







And then there are the pictures in which it looks like some sort of spanking is going on, but you have no idea what the hell is really happening:




I have enough pictures that fall into this category, that I will do an occasional picture post of similar pictures and maybe you all can help me figure out what is actually happening.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/12 at 01:07 PM

Anal Discipline



While the girl of
are not completely thrilled with the concept, we have begun to incorporate more anal discipline as part of their punishments.  Neither of them are a big fan of anal sex, so when they are told to insert a large butt plug as part of their punishment, they always cringe.  But, it wouldn’t be much of a punishment if they enjoyed it, now would it? 

Anal discipline is become more common as a punishment at and you will begin to see it appear much more often in future updates.



Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/12 at 06:10 AM in Site Related Spanking discussions related to online spanking sites

Signing the paddle after getting licks at school


I am not sure how common the practice is, but at both the junior high and the high school I attended, if you received “licks” (the term used by both students and administrators) you were asked to sign the paddle.  This is why you always see this taking place in the “School Swats” series at  While our signature paddle is getting quite full of signatures, we really should have more.  When we first began the series, we had them sign the paddle that was used on them.  But, due to the force of the swats, we break a lot of paddles.  We have several broken paddles with just a few signatures on them.  Now we have a special paddle that is never used to spank and only used for signatures.


Another custom at my school was that if that paddle broke on you, you got to keep the paddle.  On several occasions, you would see many students gathered around someone’s locker between classes looking at the broken paddle.  This was one of the only ways that people could determine who had been paddled recently.  All of the paddles used by our VP were made in the shop class by the instructor or the students.  These were fairly large paddles and they did not seem to break too often.  The couple of broken paddles that I saw were so filled up with paddles, that some students had to sign their name on the edges of the paddle.  Did anyone else attend a school were signing the paddle after your swats was required?

We are up to 19 different “school swats” scenes on and we have 2 in the “bare school swats” series.  There are another half a dozen school swats scenes that have been filmed and will appear in future updates.  For those of you that are not familiar with the series, it is a non-scripted scene in which we explore the real effects and effectiveness of school paddling.  We begin each scene in the series with an interview in which the model discusses any experience she has with school corporal punishment.  While most of them do not have much experience, we have been quite surprised at some of the accounts for those that have.  The models are then asked to bend over for what I feel to be a very realistic application of the school paddle.  While a typical school paddling rarely consists of more than 6 swats, we generally give the girls 10.  I feel it is appropriate to adjust for the age of the girl being paddled.  After an extremely hard paddling, we have them show us the result on their bottoms and then discuss if they feel this would have been an effective deterrant for bad behavior when they were in high school.  Most think it would have done a lot to change their behavior, others felt it would have just pissed them off.  Either way, I feel this series explores school corporal punishment on a much more realistic level than typically seen in spanking videos. 

Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/12 at 05:42 AM

[ Tuesday, May 10, 2005 ]

Further exploration of sorority paddling practices

Click for full sized image


Having recenty posted information on sorority paddling that was based on first hand accounts, I felt I needed to do additional research to try and further validate what I had said.  While you will never find a sorority web site that states that they paddle pledges or exchange swats when the big sister is given her paddle by her little sister, you can certainly learn a lot by reading the captions they include with their pictures.  I came across more than 100 pictures that demonstrate that sorority paddling is still alive and well.

From the captions and the pictures I learned a lot.  First it seems that most sororities have an activity that is based around the paddle.  There were many pictures that had titles such as “Paddle Party”, “Paddle Initiation”, “Paddle Ritual”, and “Paddle Night”.  Something else of great interest is that it seems that it is a fairly common tradition that on the night that the little sister presents her paddle to her big sister, that the big sister also gives a gift, which is a pillow.  I can only assume why it is that on the same night that one gives a paddle, one receives a pillow.  The two seem a little too closely tied for us not to assume that someone ends up with a sore bottom that requires a pillow for sitting.

Many of the pictures I found clearly showed that a lot of the paddling is done in a fun way and takes place at parties.  Either way, it is clear to me that the paddles you often see on the walls are not just for decorations.  There are literally hundreds of pictures out there of young ladies bending over for swats at a party.

Often these girls are being swatted by guys:



But even more often the pictures featured girls being paddled by girls:



Click the “more” link below for more pictures and evidence of sorority paddling


Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/10 at 01:40 PM

[ Thursday, May 05, 2005 ]

Fashion Trends for the spanko

I think everyone that is into spanking has a thing for a nicely shaped bottom.  I have stated before that when I see a nice bottom in a tight pair of pants, my initial thoughts are not about sex, they are about spanking.  Over the years there have been many fashion trends that lend themselves nicely to those of us that are “ass men/women” as well as spankos.  In the early 80’s the skin tight jeans with no back pockets were just about enough to cause my heart to skip a beat.

Unfortunately for me, when I was in college the “grunge” thing came into popularity.  We all listened to the Seattle scene bands such as Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden.  With this new style of music came a new style of dress.  All of a sudden lots of layers, baggy pants, and plaid flannel shirts were the in thing.  While it was a comfortable fashion trend, it certainly did not lend itself to those of us who like to see a young lady in a tight pair of pants.  Most girls showed up to class looking as though they just got out of bed and put on the clothes that were sitting on the floor from the night before.  As it turns out, I guess I went to college a decade or so too early.  Now, if you sit in a college classroom and are bored and looking about the room for some “eye candy”, this is what you get to see:



Maybe I should be thankful for when I went to college, because I doubt I would have gotten the grades I did had I had that as a distraction during every class.  I just love it when a fashion trend pops up that really presents a bottom nicely.  Not only are the pants as tight as ever, they are now lower than I ever thought possible.  It has been taken one step further and we now have the visible thong as a fashion statement.  Oh my, do I ever like the visible thong and the low rise pants.  In many cases it is somewhat of an illusion and you are not seeing much more than with more typical jeans:



But somehow being able to see the top of a thong peeking out of a pair of pants adds a bit to the visual presentation.  However, as we will always see with fashion trends, some people like to push the envelope a bit and make even more of a statement allowing the “viewer/voyeur” better visual access and leaving a little less to the imagination:


When I was in college the pants were so baggy that it was almost a full-time job for people to keep them up and the young ladies on my campus spent half their time pulling their pants up to keep them from sliding off.  The other day I was in the mall and I watched a young women stop walking and spend a moment pulling her pants farther down and her g-string farther up.  This new fashion trend is certainly a good one for those into spanking.  It is further enhanced when we are doing more than just looking and are in the actual situation of spanking.  The low rise jeans with the pull up thong look even better when a young lady is bent over presenting her lovely bottom for a spanking:




I just love it when fashion goes the direction of presenting bottoms in such a wonderful manner.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/05 at 05:22 AM

[ Wednesday, May 04, 2005 ]

Bottoms of the week II

The Bottom of the Week gallery has enough pictures that it is beginning to load slowly, so I have started a Bottoms of the Week II gallery.  Click the more link to view the second gallery.


Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/04 at 09:28 AM

Spanking webmaster resources

We are proud to announce the launch of our new site Spanking Money which is our reseller program designed for webmasters.  If you are new to the concept of revshare, it is a program that allows other webmasters to share in the profits of signups for our various websites.  You simply place text links or banners on your website and all sales that result in the traffic sent to our sites results in you getting 50% of the signup as well as 50% of all rebills.

We offer free content packages for webmasters to use in marketing of the sites.  In addition, in the next few weeks we will be adding hosted gallery pages which will allow you to generate thumbnail galleries that load from our servers, therefore eliminating all costs associated with bandwidth charges.  This opens up options for those of you who are not webmasters and allows you to post galleries to tgp pages without even owning a website.

With the addition of to our program, many webmasters are enjoying large profits. costs $59.99 a month and allows users access to 5 of our websites.  A single signup translates to $30 for the referring webmaster.  We have fantastic retention on all of our sites, which means that each and every rebill for the life of the membership also pays $30.  Our top referrer last month made more than $3000.00 without any out of the pocket expenses.  We will be expanding our programs with more options in the weeks to come, giving you even more resources to promote our sites. 

Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/04 at 06:27 AM in Site Related Spanking discussions related to online spanking sites

[ Tuesday, May 03, 2005 ]

New Spanking Model Profile- Jenna

click for full sized image


Well, there is good news and there is bad news.  The good news is that we hired a wondeful new model named Jenna and she has worked for us twice.  She is young and beautiful with an amazing bottom.  She has done 6 scenes and seems well suited for this type of work.  While she reports that the spankings “hurt like hell” she seems to have a pretty high pain tolerance and we have high hopes for her.

The bad news is that she is a college student from out of state and she will be going back home for the summer.  She promises that we will pick up where we left off once the fall semester rolls around, but until then we will have to be happy with the six scenes we have already filmed.  I look forward to a nice future with Jenna.  Click the more link below for more picture previews.


Posted by Michael Masterson on 05/03 at 12:42 PM in Site Related Spanking discussions related to online spanking sites
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