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The Spanking Blog

This is an adult site dedicated to the exploration of spanking between consenting adults. The main focus is on disciplinary spankings portrayed in various spanking videos and pictures, with sample pictures and reviews of the spanking content. The most recent blog posts appear below, and the free spanking picture galleries on this site can be found on the menu on the left. All spanking content on this site is free, and any link leading you outside of this site is clearly labeled as such. You must be 18 years or older to view this site.

[ Wednesday, June 18, 2014 ]

The paddle, cane, and hairbrush

Over my years as a producer of fairly severe spanking videos I have found that there are generally a few implements that models would prefer to avoid.  For those that have experienced it, hands down, the hairbrush is the most dreaded implement.  The brushes we use are heavy wooden brushes; much like they made 50 years ago and they really pack a punch.  The majority of our models have never experienced the brush as it takes a very special girl to be able to handle such a spanking.  We only use a hairbrush on models that tend to be really into spanking, like a “thudy” implement, or are ones that like to really have their tolerances explored.  But for those that have indeed been over my knee for a session with the hairbrush, it is typically not a trip they are looking to repeat anytime soon.

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For the majority of our models, that have shot at least a dozen scenes, and have felt a wide variety of implements, they are split almost 50/50 as to the implement they hate the most, which is either the wooden school paddle or the cane.  It shows that a couple of hundred years of school corporal punishment, in different parts of the world, has indeed identified what implements are most effective.  On shoot days in which I allow the model some latitude as to what she would like to be spanked with, they rarely choose an implement and it is more often stated as “anything but a wooden paddle”, or “anything but the cane”.

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I am a little more flexible as to a model being able to decline the use of the cane, as it is a very specific implement and some of them really cannot tolerate it at all.  Lila, who is a very tough model, with a very tiny bottom will do anything in her power to avoid the cane.  On the one occasion that she was caned, it was one of only a very few times that she immediately burst into tears, and it was applied over her jeans.  This is coming from a model who I have given one of the hardest on camera hairbrush spankings of my life, and she finished that with dry eyes.

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For the models that are able to tolerate a caning, they are pretty specific as to the diameter of the cane that they prefer.  Most models prefer a much larger diameter cane than you would think and typically the bigger the cane the better.  We have a new shipment of very large “tiger canes” some of the biggest canes I have ever used, and models who previously hated to be caned are actually warming up to them a bit.  I think it is the sting vs. thud factor and for many a “thudy” cane is just easier to tolerate at the time.  This is not to say that it does less damage, and when I see theirs bottoms a few days later, it is clear that a large diameter cane is a gift that keeps on giving.

Unfortunately for those models who will take anything but a heavy wooden school paddle, they really have no choice in the matter.  School paddlings are the bread and butter of our sites and certainly a personal favorite of mine.  We have always worked very hard to produce realistic school paddling over the years, and they are still the very highest rated videos on all of my websites.  It is to their benefit that a realistic school paddling video is typically applied over jeans and panties, but with the paddles that I use and the force in which I apply them, being fully dressed does little to protect them.  Yes, a paddling over clothing does sting a little less, but it does very little to stop the overall force of a proper paddle swat.

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Another aspect of the paddling that they often dislike is the fact that a severe paddling, if being applied in a safe manner, is typically going to involve every swat landing in the same spot. Many of our models have tiny little butts and in order for me to stay far away from their tailbones, I have to paddle the very lowest part of their bottoms and even just a little of the tops of their thighs.  Ten hard swats to the very same spot, leads to a very swollen and very bruised bottom.  When we film the results of a paddling, in which they pull their pants and panties down, the spot where the paddle landed is raised up and almost flat.  Just as with a proper school paddling our models go home with a bruised butt that is sore for many days.  For some models this is the hardest part and for others, this is their favorite part.

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A couple of our current models have told me that they masturbate 2-3 times a day after a hard paddling and continue to do so as long as the soreness persists.  Another recent trend with some of our newest and kinky girls is that they really do love the marks.  There are currently 4-5 models who always ask me to take pictures of their bruised butts, with their cell phones, after every shoot.  They are so proud of their bruised bottoms and the pictures are always on Fetlife just a few hours later.  For the young ladies who really like the marks, while it is often hard to get through a school paddling, they like the results when all is said and done.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/18 at 02:37 PM

[ Thursday, June 12, 2014 ]

Very real school corporal punishment paddling for the high school girl

She is 18 years old and very close to graduating from high school.  Although she is a legal adult, she attends school in the South, where corporal punishment is alive and well, and if she misbehaves in school, she can indeed have her bottom paddled by a coach, administrator, or teacher.  She knows the dress code, but on the hot Spring day she made the decision to push her luck and wear shorts that are clearly not allowed as defined in the student code of conduct.  Her 1st period teacher quickly notices her choice of clothing and she finds herself walking to the office with a pink slip in hand.  There is no debating what she did wrong, there is no room for discussion, it is simply a matter of figuring out the best punishment.  She is presented with the option of being paddled, something she has never experienced before, or a three day suspension.  It is explained to her that she will take a zero in all of her course work for the three days she is suspended, an option she knows she cannot take.  She is an excellent student and will not allow anything to mess up her grades and possibly her conditional acceptance to the first college of her choice.  As scary as the whole concept is for her, she chooses to take the paddling.

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He fills out the appropriate paperwork and has her sign that she is “consenting to corporal punishment”.  Her heart begins to beat rapidly as she is basically volunteering to have her bottom spanked at school.  Her last spanking was when she was around three, when her mom gave her a few sharp smacks to her butt.  She did not care for it then and is having trouble grasping the concept of this grown man, who she had never formally met until five minutes ago, spanking her with a paddle.  He has been doing this long enough that he knows that for those that have not been paddled at school, that the anticipation of the paddling is often as bad as the paddling itself.  His job is to enforce the school rules in a manner that is as effective as possible, so he chooses to use whatever he can to effect a change in behavior.

He walks her to the currently empty detention room where he applies all school paddlings.  He walks her to the area where she is to be paddled, and where the paddle is prominently displayed, and tells her that he will be back with her shortly to paddle her bottom.  He does not need to say anything else as he knows that a girl that has never been paddled, alone in a room with the actual implement that will soon be applied to her bottom, is enough to get the punishment started in her own mind.  His thoughts were right on the money and as soon as he leaves the room she is left alone with her thoughts and the reality that the large board, hanging on the wall right next to her, is going to be used on her bottom.  She knew that her school does use corporal punishment, but she was clueless as to the process and had really never heard any first-hand accounts from someone who had been paddled. Never in a million years could she have imagined that she would end up on the receiving end of the paddle, nor had she considered that the paddle that the school used was so big.  It was indeed a large paddle, big enough to cover her tiny little bottom in a single swat.

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She instantly went into denial mode and tried to convince herself that this was all for show.  Yes, it was a very large paddle, but certainly he would not use it all that hard, especially for her, a student who had never been in trouble.  Clearly, when he is paddling a 95 pound teenage girl, it must be done in a much softer manner than what the boys, or frequent trouble makers receive.  She continues to try and convince herself of this very thing as her hand continued to reach up and touch the giant paddle hanging on the wall.  After a good ten minutes of convincing herself that it would not be that bad, the door to the detention room once again opened.  Her already rapid heart rate doubled and she knew that this was the moment.

He was very business-like in his approach and was clearly not angry in any way. He was not mad at this young lady before him, but it was indeed his job to punish her for her infraction while hopefully sending a message to anyone else that had ideas that there were parts of the dress code that was optional.  She was instructed to bend over, with her hands on the wall on either side of the mirror and her arms fully extended, with a 90 degree angle at her waist, and her feet shoulder width apart.  She did not argue but did find it difficult to present her little bottom, in her tiny little shorts, so this man could spank her.  She did as she was told and found it to be quite embarrassing as she looked forward into the mirror and watched him pull the large paddle off of the nail on the wall.  He spent a moment reviewing her paperwork, making sure everything was in order, as she just stayed in position, presenting her bottom to this man for a paddling. 

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He explained that it was very important for her to do her best to stay in position as too much movement could result in him smacking her in a location other than her bottom.  Her heart really began to beat faster when he explained that this could result in serious injury, and that was not the intention of this paddling.  Now she was very scared, as a pitty-pat little spanking never had the potential for serious injury.  Without any further words, she watched in the mirror as the giant paddle touched her little bottom and then it was raised high in the air, way too high as far she was concerned, and then less than a second later she was introduced to a level of pain that she had never known before.  There was an explosion in the room, followed by a wave of pain.  It took a second, but this pain then fully registered with her brain.  She wanted to scream but was left breathless as she waited for the air to return to her lungs.  Her entire bottom became engulfed with a searing hot burn and her instinct was to try and just run away.  Before her breath returned the next swat landed and this one caused her legs to buckle and she could not believe how badly it hurt. She finally managed to get a breath just as the next swat landed, and with it came the tears. 

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At that moment the paddling stopped and her tears turned into full on crying.  This was not the crying of an 18 year old girl trying to fight back the tears, this was the crying of a naughty young lady who was learning a very real lesson.  He gave her a moment as the tears really began to flow, and then told her to stay in position as they were halfway through.  She could not believe what she had just heard, as her lesson had been learned.  As far as she was concerned she was going to go home and burn the shorts she was wearing.  But he knew from experience that the real lesson for her would start in a couple of hours, after the endorphins wore off and the real pain from the paddling began.  He wanted to be assured that he never saw her in his office again, and there was no doubt in his mind that three more swats would seal the deal.

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Once again she watched as the paddle was raised high into the air and then brought down forcefully on her tiny little bottom.  The crying continued even harder as her butt was beginning to throb.  With each of the next two swats she was basically lifted onto her toes as he made a point to really bring the lesson home.  After the last swat she stood up and rubber her aching bottom and continued to cry.  Her butt was starting to go numb, but it still hurt so very bad.  He had her sign the form that stated she had been paddled and then left her alone to “compose herself”.  He told her to take all the time she needed and then to get back to class after she was ready.  She continued to cry gently for a few minutes and just kept rubbing her bottom.  When she was sure that he was not coming back, she lowered her shorts and panties and looked at her bottom in the mirror.  It was very swollen and hard to the touch.  Both of her bottom cheeks were beginning to turn various shades of purple, with her right cheek being far worse off than the left.  On the right cheek there was a large bull’s eye looking bruise and it was still completely numb.  She finally composed herself and headed back to class, having no idea that the real punishment would begin in an hour or so, and that sitting at the hard wood schools desks, for the remainder of that day, and all of the next, was going to be the real learning experience.

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This very real school paddling was filmed last week, in full HD, for the member’s area of  You will get to see tiny little Kiki take a full force paddling that leaves her in tears and does indeed leave her cute little bottom black and blue.  The paddling is real, the tears are real, and her struggling to sit for a couple of days is very real.  Only in a future update to the member’s area of

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/12 at 02:46 PM

[ Wednesday, June 11, 2014 ]

A severe spanking with a belt for a long term change in behavior

There are many spanking implements that are used around the world to change the attitude of those that require it.  Within the US, probably the most common implement in use today is the belt.  At least one exists in every household, and it is fairly common for someone to have one on their person at any given time.  There are very few spanking implements that someone always has with them, which is why the belt is ideal as an implement used for punishment.

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Not all belts are created equal when it comes to administering a proper spanking and a leather belt will always be the best when discipline is required.  For households in which a belt is the primary implement used for spanking there is often a belt that is purchased exactly for this purpose.  Whether it is a dad with older teens, or a husband that is involved in a domestic discipline agreement with his wife, this will be a belt that is rarely worn around one’s waist.  This will be the belt, with a perfect crease in the middle, and that is often hung in full view as a reminder to those that are subjected to the pain it is able to produce.

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The most effective type of belt when serious discipline is required will be one that is quite thick.  A thin belt only produces a sting, especially when used over clothing, and while this might seem efficient at the time, it does very little to produce long term discomfort.  A punishment that is over, once the actual spanking has stopped, really does not teach a long lasting lesson.  A thick and heavy leather belt is better in that it not only hurts like during the course of the punishment, but it is able to make a long lasting impression and has the potential to leave a bottom sore for days.

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While a proper punishment strapping can be achieved over clothing, certainly it is better served on the bare bottom.  A bare bottom punishment will always be more effective for many reasons.  The first is obvious, and that is the simple fact that the less clothing there is, the more the belt will hurt when it hits the bottom.  The primary goal of any punishment spanking is indeed to produce pain.  The more pain that is produced, the less likely the chances of the undesirable behavior being repeated.  If the young lady’s behavior warrants it, and the situation allows for it, then a bottom should be bared whenever possible.

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There are other benefits to a bottom being bared for a proper strapping, one of them being the submission factor.  There are few instances in a woman’s life when someone can command her to pull down her pants and bend over.  By her doing this very thing when she is in trouble, she is fully submitting to her punishment.  This allows her to take some ownership of her infraction, as no one is going to hold her down and spank her.  She is a part of the process and she is presenting her bottom to be spanked with the belt.  A bare bottom strapping can also add to the overall embarrassment of the punishment, especially when others are present.  It is one thing to get the belt to her butt over jeans in the family room, but it is an entirely different event to have to bare her bottom regardless of those who are present.  We are not talking about humiliating the naughty girl, but a little embarrassment can indeed add to the overall effectiveness of the punishment and make her think twice about future transgressions.

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Unlike a heavy wooden paddle, a belt can be applied in just about any position.  With a paddle there is always the concern of hitting the tailbone, but with a belt, leather to the tailbone is not a safety concern.  My personal preference when applying discipline with a leather belt, as with just about any other implement, is for the person being punished to have to assume a position that is somewhat self-supporting, like hands on her knees or grabbing her ankles. This ties in again with the submission side of the punishment.  She does not just get to lay there and try and suck it up while her ass is being blistered, she has to be an active participant. It will take effort and work on her part to maintain one of these two positions and that is exactly what I want.  By holding her position, regardless of the severity of the punishment, she has to assist.  It is her punishment, she has earned it, the whole thing is being done for her benefit, so it should not all just be up to me.  She is going to keep her ass in the air for as long as I require, and she is not going to move too far out of position, or there will be hell to pay. 

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It is also quite common for a strapping with a belt to be applied with a young lady laying down flat on a bed, or with a pillow under her hips, especially when it is a parental spanking.  In a domestic discipline relationship, a certain amount of submission is expected, parents might not be able to achieve the same sort of results with an older teen girl, and therefore sometimes a spanking with her lying down makes more sense.  Too much struggle in that situation tends to result in the belt hitting somewhere other than her bottom, which tends to hurt more, so it is often a self-correcting problem.

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If we are looking at a severe punishment, it certainly takes a little more effort on the part of the spanker than it would with a paddle or a hairbrush.  Severity can be looked at in two ways, the duration and overall pain during a spanking, and how long there is additional discomfort.  If we are really dealing with a severe offense, which will often result in “the spanking of her life” than I think we are talking about at least 2-3 days of soreness.  A spanking with a light belt, over jeans and panties, might result in tears, but within minutes the pain from the spanking will have almost completely left her.  Her body may have even started to produce endorphins during the spanking itself, making the last half of it completely tolerable.  In the grand scope of an effective spanking, this does not lead to long term learning.

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For long term learning to really take place, unfortunately for the woman being punished, it will indeed require a strapping that does indeed lead to a bruised bottom.  What we are looking for is for her body to continue to send messages to the brain, telling her that her behavior was not acceptable and that punishments like this need to be avoided in the future.  In the most severe cases, we are looking for every time she sits down, walks, and uses the bathroom for the next three days, that she is reminded of her behavior.  We want her to sit down for dinner, on a hard wood chair, and not be able to just forget that she misbehaved.  We need her to be shifting her weight, trying to find a position of comfort, and not be able to.  This is how very real learning is actually achieved, especially if in a relationship with a woman who is turned on by the overall concept of spanking.  She might like the idea of being in trouble, and maybe even bending over and being spanked, but a sore bottom three days later, is exactly that, a sore bottom.

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With a paddle or a hairbrush, this state of soreness can be achieved relatively quickly, as a hard swat alone can produce a bruise.  With a belt, it is much more of a process and can take a good deal of time to achieve the proper results.  In my personal relationships, in which I am punishing for very bad behavior, and I use a heavy wooden paddle, I am able to achieve the results I am looking for in 30 swats of less on a bare bottom.  That is all it takes for full on crying, the kind that continues well after the punishment is over, as well as a bruised bottom that will stay that day for as long as a week.  With a heavy leather belt, used full force on a bare bottom, 30 is nowhere close to getting the job done.  It clearly depends on the woman I am punishing, but 30 is typically the number required to get the tears flowing as hard as they need to.  But if I am teaching a long term lesson, tears alone are not the deciding factor as to when it is over.  It will not be over until her bottom shows the results that I am looking for, the results that tell me that she will be sitting gingerly for many days to come.  There have been occasions for me in the last couple of years in which it took well over 200 strokes with a belt to get the results I am looking for.

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All of the pictures and animations come from very real and very severe punishment strappings from the family of sites.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/11 at 04:46 PM
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