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The Spanking Blog

This is an adult site dedicated to the exploration of spanking between consenting adults. The main focus is on disciplinary spankings portrayed in various spanking videos and pictures, with sample pictures and reviews of the spanking content. The most recent blog posts appear below, and the free spanking picture galleries on this site can be found on the menu on the left. All spanking content on this site is free, and any link leading you outside of this site is clearly labeled as such. You must be 18 years or older to view this site.

[ Tuesday, October 27, 2015 ]

A public element added to spanking

The summer that I moved to Texas, just before I started the 7th grade, I watched a friend get spanked in a public campsite, in front of 4-5 other families.  This was the very first spanking I had ever witnessed, and the public nature of the event really had an effect on me.  I think that since that day, any spanking that is administered in a less than private manner, has always fascinated me.  Let’s face it, in the grand scope of spankings, administered in the home, they tend to be a fairly private affair.  This typically involves the person in trouble being sent to, or escorted to, a bedroom, or some other place that will allow some privacy.  But in many homes throughout the world, this is just not how things take place.

In many homes, a spanking is as public as it needs to be.  This may be as a result of the fact that mom is far too busy to take time out of her day, so a spanking simply occurs on the spot, wherever that may be, and regardless of who is present.  I have interviewed many models in which this was indeed the case for them.  The point was not really for the added embarrassment, it was purely for convenience and the fact that discipline needed to be handled right then and there.  It might be in the family room while everyone is watching TV, or while dinner is being prepared and someone needs their bottom warmed with a wooden spoon at that very moment.

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There are also many families in which corporal punishment is a group sort of event.  This typically begins with some soft of “family meeting” in which various behaviors are discussed.  This type of meeting might lead to one or more of the siblings being spanked, in front of each other. This has the benefit of accomplishing a few things.  The first, is that regardless of someone’s age, getting a spanking is quite embarrassing.  Now getting that same spanking in front of anyone else tends to heighten those feelings of embarrassment.  It is one thing to be a teen girl getting her bottom torn up with a belt from dad in her room, but kicking and screaming like a little girl in front of her brothers and sisters is a far different thing. The girl who tries to act all grown up in front of her younger siblings shows a whole different side when the belt is being applied.

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Besides the embarrassment factor, this also tends to serve as a warning to everyone else present, which is clearly the goal for many parents.  It is one thing to be told that profanity is not allowed in the home, and a far different thing to watch your older sister get paddled right before your eyes for her choice of words.  This leaves a long lasting impression on everyone, not just the person being spanked.  These type of meetings are not isolated to only one person getting in trouble, as some family meetings result with a line of bottoms bent over waiting for their punishment.  I will never forget an interview with Jasmine from in which she went into great detail about the various ways she was spanked growing up.  In one of the interviews she discusses being in trouble with her younger brother, and they were both sent out to a scrap wood pile in their backyard to each pick a board to be used on them.  They then went into the family room of the house, with both of them having their pants and undies dropped to their ankles, as dad spent the next 20 minutes alternating between a lecture and blistering their bottoms with scraps from their fence.  They were not just paddled in front of each other, but being in such a central location in the house, pretty much everyone in the family got a glimpse as they passed through.

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For those that get in trouble together, it is not all that uncommon in homes that are not shy in the way that corporal punishment is applied, for one to find themselves watching a sibling get spanked as they wait their turn.  This also goes well beyond the embarrassment factor by adding anticipation into the mix.  Yes, it might be hard for a young lady to be sent to her room and allow her imagination run wild while she considers what is about to happen to her poor bottom, but it is a completely different story to sit and watch a sibling get spanked, knowing that she will be next.  Less is left to the imagination, however, seeing exactly what is about to happen to her own bottom can be just as bad.  It is quite hard to convince herself that it will not be all that bad as she watches her “tough” brother break down as his bottom is worn out.

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I think the very height of the embarrassment factor are those young ladies that find themselves getting spanked in front of friends.  There are indeed those parents, that feel that regardless of the circumstances, a spanking will happen on the spot.  Absolutely no consideration is given as to who is present to witness it. In the late 80’s, when I took a full-time job during a break from college, I was given a very detailed account from one of my co-workers.  Many of you have been there, they say something spanking related, it peaks your interest, and you try and get more details without seeming as pervy as you actually are.  Someone was discussing the behavior of their kiddos, and she said something to the effect of “I would have taken the paddle to my daughter’s ass for that one”.  This was Texas, so people are not all that shy about discussions of spanking, so I had to dig a little deeper.  On a smoke break (yes, I was a smoker back then), I simply asked “you use a paddle on your daughter”? I had met her family and knew her only daughter to be in the 9th grade, which is why I found it a little surprising at her age.  Through some “I am not really all that interested, but go on” sort of comments, I found out two things.  The daughter had been required to help her dad a few years prior, build the paddle in the garage, on the day that mom decided that a handspanking was not enough.  But going along the lines of this post, she told me the last time her daughter had received the paddle, two nights prior, at a sleepover at their house.  The girls were being a little loud, a little late in her daughter’s room, and mom went in to tell them to keep it down.  Trying to impress her friends, the daughter made some sort of smart ass comment.  Mom did not say anything, went and grabbed the paddle, came back, told her daughter to stand up and put her hands on the dresser, and then received three swats over her nighty.  I asked “you paddled her in front of her friends” and her response was “you are God damned right I did, she knows better”.

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I have also found that this fascination with the public aspect of spanking, lends itself to school corporal punishment.  In the school setting, there is never really complete privacy when it comes to a school paddling.  I have personally sat in a school office, while a paddling was taking place behind closed doors, and there was nothing at all private about it.  I could hear every swat as if I was in the same room, and I could also hear the verbal reactions from the person being paddled.  When that office door opened, and the recently paddled student came out of the room, every pair of eyes in the main office were focused directly on them.  None of us actually witnessed the paddling, but it could not have been more public and the embarrassment was more than clear on the student’s face.

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In the school setting it is quite common for students to get in trouble together, sometimes just a pair, often an entire group.  Let’s be honest, stupid behavior is often encouraged by other students and it is amazing the trouble that a few students can talk each other into. One of my closest friends growing up, moved to a rural community while we were in high school.  She was always a go to for me when it came to spanking stuff, as she was spanked the whole time I knew her, by her mom.  I think she was on to my little kink, but was pretty liberal about sharing when I asked.  She once described to me getting caught smoking in the little farm school that moved to, along with two other friends.  The punishment was three “licks” with the paddle, parents called, and a three day suspension.  She told me that they were called in one at a time to tell their story, then called in as a group at the end, as their punishment was detailed for them.  They were then escorted to the room where “on campus suspension’ is held and asked to sit in the chairs outside the room.  One at a time they were called into the room with the principal and a female secretary, where they each received their “licks” while grabbing their ankles.  What she remembered most about the event was how hard it was to go last and see her friends each come out, trying to look tough, with tears in their eyes.

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There are well documented, factual, detailed accounts and news items that discuss schools in which all the corporal punishment is taken care of at the end of the day, or sometimes even at the end of the week.  It may be that the administrator that handles the disciplinary referrals is not the actual one that applies the paddlings (many schools seem to bring in a coach for this), it may just be a matter of timing or logistics, or as often is the case, an administrator that is the same sex of the student being paddled must be brought in.  In some of these Southern states, in which the paddle is used liberally, this can lead to a pretty big line of people waiting to be paddled.

There is a well-publicized case from 2002 at Timpson high school in Texas in which the entire senior class was paddled on homecoming day (news item HERE).  The students participated in a “school tradition” in which they have a sort of improvised homecoming parade that involves all of the seniors getting in cars and cruising through the parking lot, hanging out the windows, and burning rubber in the parking lot.  They had been warned that it was not going to be tolerated that year, and when they did it anyway, the entire senior class, consisting of 16 boys and 15 girls were brought to the office that morning to be paddled.  They all received three swats at the hands of the principal and a coach.  It took more than an hour to paddle all of the students lasting well into second period.  This was not a light and ornamental paddling, as some parents took their kids to be looked at by a doctor as a result of heavy bruising.

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I can only imagine the overall effectiveness of this paddling, as 31 different students wait in a line, as they listen to one classmate after the other getting paddled before them.  Yes, in a small town Texas high school, a paddling is not all the uncommon, but you would have to imagine that there were many waiting, and listening in that line, that had never been paddled at school before, or even spanked at all.  The public nature of this event must have led to a few tears before they even found themselves bending over and presenting their bottom to be paddled.  Knowing that a few young ladies left that office with a bottom bruised enough that their parents wanted a doctor to look at it, you can imagine the fear and apprehension of listening to such a paddling taking place, while waiting your turn.

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I have always taken this fascination with the public aspect of spanking and tried to integrate in into the scenes that I film.  Anytime we do a multiple girl shoot, you can count on all of them bending over and getting spanked together, but I also try and bring all of the elements that I just discussed into play.  With every girl shoot I do, each girl will be spanked in a scene, in front of the three others, in which she is the only person being spanked.  We have had a girl spanked while her friends wait to give her a ride, or the girl who is driven home by friends and is spanked on the spot in the driveway with a paddle that dad just built.  We have done many variations of the “family meeting” in which one or all siblings are spanked in front of each other in the family room.  And of course, I have done as many variations as you think of when it comes to school paddling.  Having one girl waiting for her paddling, while listening to the other getting paddled, is pretty much a staple on out site.  One of our most popular scenes filmed this year is a four girl paddling, in which we get to see the paddling of each girl take place, as well as the reaction of the other three waiting their turn.

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I am a big fan of what is typically a very private affair tuned into a somewhat public event.  While I do like to hear about true childhood accounts, as you know I do not feel that spanking is the best form of discipline for children.  You can see any and all of the scenes I have described, in full HD at, part of the RealspankingsPass family of sites.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 10/27 at 03:02 PM

[ Wednesday, October 14, 2015 ]

Punished to Tears 2015- Part 2

I am proud to announce our latest full movie release.

The second 2015 release in this popular series. This video is 1 hour and 16 minutes long, with 15 full length scenes. You will see 8 different young ladies, punished alone and together, until they are crying like little girls. This video features the use of belts, straps, wooden paddles, hairbrush, rulers, and the tawse, delivered in a manner intended to produce the desired results…a bruised bottom and tears.

The purpose of corporal punishment is to provide enough pain to a young lady’s bottom to teach her a very real and a very proper lesson. The best indicator that a lesson is learned is TEARS. It is not until she is crying like a little girl that we know that the job is done. In this video, you will corporal punishment administered as it was intended, leaving each and every girl crying. WARNING- this is very real corporal punishment, these are not fun and playful spankings.

Now Available at Spanking Library

Posted by Michael Masterson on 10/14 at 10:53 AM
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