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The Spanking Blog

This is an adult site dedicated to the exploration of spanking between consenting adults. The main focus is on disciplinary spankings portrayed in various spanking videos and pictures, with sample pictures and reviews of the spanking content. The most recent blog posts appear below, and the free spanking picture galleries on this site can be found on the menu on the left. All spanking content on this site is free, and any link leading you outside of this site is clearly labeled as such. You must be 18 years or older to view this site.

[ Saturday, June 21, 2008 ]

Spanking groups, clubs, munches

I am curious to know what kind of experiences that people have had with some of the spanking social groups.  Clearly there are many such groups out there, some are very casual and simply meet for dinner once a month, others are as formal as a private club with a high end play space.  It seems some are as organized as to have classes and demonstrations on a regular basis.  To be quite honest, I have never attended anything of the sorts.  While the majority of my spanking experiences have been very public and on camera, I have always viewed spanking as a private event between two people.  The only thing I really thought a group situation would add to a spanking experience, is that of the added embarrassment of being spanked in front of a group.  My only real experience with spanking as a social activity is a couple of parties at Shadow Lane.  My personal feelings on those experiences were that I felt a little goofy at the time.  It felt like a bunch of horny adults sitting around and waiting for the next couple to get the nerve to participate in a spanking.  It all seemed a little forced, the spankings I watched were not all that sexy, nor did they have a sense of punishment to them.  I am sure that my thoughts are skewed a bit in that these parties were, for the most part, a group of people that barely knew each other.  Maybe frequent play with the same social group, over time, adds a bit to the dynamic.  It also may be the fact that at this time, spanking was my full-time job, so watching a group of middle aged couples smack each other’s bottoms, had lost some of its excitement. 

But I do get a sense, from some of the chats I participate in, that a lot of you out there find these social groups and experiences to be quite fun.  Is it that for the first time probably ever, you are in an environment that you can freely discuss your deviant thoughts?  Is it more about meeting people for future spanking fun?  I am very curious to know from those of you out there who go to such events, what do you find appealing about it?  If you are in a long term relationship with your dream spanker or spankee, do you still attend the spanking socials?  If you have a group local to you that you like, and they have a website, please feel free to post the link as a comment.  For those of you in the Denver area, what groups and functions do you like here in the metro area?  I am hoping to gain a little insight into the spanking social scene, so hopefully some of you can help me out.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/21 at 12:17 PM

[ Thursday, June 19, 2008 ]

Mailing Lists?

I just received a comment in which someone accused me of “selling” their address to “snail mail spammers” as a result of them ordering a DVD from  Are you serious?  As someone really out there in the public in regards to spanking, I understand better than most the issue of privacy with this fetish.  For the record, we have never sold, shared, or given anyone any access to any information regarding a membership to one of our sites, as a result of a DVD sale, or any other transaction we have conducted with our customers.  We are legally bound by our terms and conditions, and giving out any information would just be bad for business.  So, whoever you are I suggest you get your affairs in order because if you are receiving things in the mail of an adult nature, your address did not come from us.  I suggest you better investigate your information before blaming me for whatever mail you are receiving.  Do you really get a sense that I make a living by intentionally pissing off my customers?  Are there really companies out there that buy mailing lists from producers of spanking content?  Please, come back to reality if you think that anything you accused me of is factual...give me a break.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/19 at 02:14 PM

[ Monday, June 16, 2008 ]

Sorority paddling videos?

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It occurred to me a few days ago that many of you may find it kind of unusual, that with as much visibility that sorority paddling pictures have on my blog, that I have never filmed a sorority paddling video for any of my sites.  I have spent that last few days wondering myself, why I have never done this.  Obviously, I find the whole concept appealing, or I would not spend so much time finding new sorority paddling pictures to share with you all here.  As is the case with most spanking video producers, it is much easier to find good spanking models than it is to find safe and effective on camera spankers.  As a result of this, many producers end up converting some of their spanking models into spankers as well.  You would think a situation in which we utilize spanking models to spank other spanking models, just screams for some sorority spanking videos.

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There are a few variables that have prevented me from filming sorority paddling scenes.  The first is simply safety.  Sorority spanking, for the most part, brings about a single image in my mind, a girl receiving swats from a large wooden paddle.  When we take a spanking model and have her do some actual spanking, rarely do you see her with a wooden paddle in her hand.  I consider a wooden paddle to be an implement in which there is little room for error, and someone generally needs to have a great deal of experience spanking before they are allowed to swing an implement capable of such force.  There are a couple of our spanking models turned spankers, such as Kailee, that I would trust to do a sorority paddling scene, but that is not the norm.  Another factor is that a good swat from a large wooden paddle hurts a lot, and there are not too many models that are up for that challenge.  When we do have the right model for a good paddling, she tends to end up doing a school corporal punishment scene.  With the popularity of the “school swats” series, and any other realistic school paddling type scenes, I guess I have never wanted to miss out on a scene of this type and instead replace it with a sorority paddling scene.

I think the single biggest factor that has prevented the filming of sorority paddling scenes is the fact that I have never really watched one, produced by someone else, that I thought was all that good.  Firm Hand Spanking features many different sorority paddling videos, and as far as a good girl/girl paddling, they have produced some scenes that I enjoy.  There are some hard paddlings and even a few that lead to tears, that they have filmed, but I did not find that the sorority aspects of the scene added anything to it.  The scenes seemed more like two girls playing in private with a large paddle.

In the early days as I was discovering spanking videos, I was initially attracted to some of the sorority paddling videos produced by Nu-West because they added a bit more of the group dynamic that I typically think of when it comes to sorority paddling.  These were not two girl scenes, but involved a group of females being paddled by a women.  While I find some of the movies from Mood Pictures to be a little severe, I have always wished they would produce a sorority video.  Some of their early works with the large scale scenes, and so many women in the movies, are just screaming for a good sorority paddling scenario.  For me, I think this is a necessary dynamic for an effective sorority paddling video.  There needs to be lots of girls, both getting paddled and witnessing the paddling, and the paddle swats need to be fairly serious in nature.  I would love to see the same setup they used for “In the Name of Love II”, but done as a sorority paddling movie.

I think a lot of it boils down to realism.  Let’s face it, for the most part paddlings that take place in a sorority are not really done as a punishment.  For the most part, when an actual paddling takes place in a sorority, it is done in a group situation, there is rarely more than one swat, and the most common use is the exchange of a single swat between the “big sister” and the “little sister”.  As far as I can tell, one girl paddling another girl in private, is very rare, if it happens at all.  This leaves me in a situation of either filming a full scale production with lots of models and extras, or creating a fantasy sorority paddling in which a few girls swing the paddle in private.

This leads me to think that a sorority paddling video might make a good future project for me, but as a full scale DVD release and not just as an update to a site.  You all have been wonderful recently in regards to feedback, so I will once again leave it in your hands.  Is there a scenario, involving just a couple of models, that could make for a good sorority paddling video on a smaller scale?  Is there some dynamic to this type of scene, that you all find appealing, that I am overlooking?  If we have the right model, one that allows a situation that involves a hard paddling with a wooden paddle, is this time better spent on a realistic school paddling scene, or a fantasy sorority paddling scene?  Believe me, I am a huge fan of any scenes that we can build into a series on, it makes filming more scenes for that series much easier.  But how to I accomplish this without having a whole group of girls present?  Do we make it as simple as having a small room where the “Pledgemaster” brings a naughty pledge for a few good swats?  Here is your chance, help me write a good sorority paddling scene that involves no more than a spanker and two other girls.  I would also be very interested in hearing about any sorority paddling video that you have watched that you felt was great.  Is there one out there?

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Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/16 at 08:23 AM

[ Sunday, June 15, 2008 ]

Bondage, BDSM, and Judicial Punishments

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From the member’s area of

My question for you today is, what role should bondage and BDSM play in a spanking site?  Obviously there are sites out there like that own the market when it comes to bondage and BDSM, but is there room for this type of content on a pure spanking site?  Over the years I have incorporated bondage into some of our spanking scene.  Sometimes it is as basic as the use of restraints during a hard spanking:

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From the member’s area of

And at other times I have taken full advantage of the “dungeon”, and while these are still spanking scenes, there is a greater emphasis put on the whole bondage experience:

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From the member’s area of

On rare occasions, I have let the spanking take a back seat and made the scene more about traditional bondage, would lots of rope work, and an emphasis on the restraints and general discomfort in areas beyond that of just the bottom:

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From the member’s area of

My personal tastes regarding the use of bondage and restraints on a spanking site, are that of functionality.  I like to use restraints for a spanking scene in which the discipline is hard enough that I know the person being spanked is going to have trouble holding still.  I think this most closely resembles judicial discipline, but it is not something we have done all that much of, mostly because a judicial scene, in reality, tends to be pretty extreme.  But I do feel that bondage makes the most sense on a spanking site for the judicial type scenes:

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From the member’s area of

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From the member’s area of

As the construction at the new studio continues, I can’t help but look around the giant space and find all sorts of areas that would make for fantastic dungeon sets.  So, back to the questions, do you enjoy the occasional BDSM type scene mixed into a spanking site?  Does the bondage need to be functional, serving only the purpose of holding some down for their spanking?  Do you like discipline scenes in which discipline is applied to parts of the body other than the bottom?  Is there a situation in which there are ropes, bondage, discomfort, nudity, etc. in which there is no actual corporal punishment taking place, that you enjoy?

Obviously we are a spanking company with our primary focus being on spanking content, and this will never change.  But I am trying to explore the needs of our members to see of there is additional content that would add a little something to our sites for all of you.  Drop me a comment and let me know what role bondage should play in our scenes.  Thanks.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/15 at 09:27 AM

[ Saturday, June 14, 2008 ]

Hairbrush Spanking

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A good hairbrush spanking video is often a hard thing to find.  In all of my years of spanking and producing spanking videos, I would guess that it is safe to say that a large wooden hairbrush is probably the most feared spanking implement.  It hits with the thud of a wooden paddle, but with a smaller surface area, so the force of the stroke is concentrated into a much smaller area.  The hairbrush is one of the few implements that seems to create both a “thud” and a “sting” when it hits.  In addition, there are very few implements as capable of creating an instant bruise with each stroke.  For severe offenses, the hairbrush is my first choice, due to the lasting impression is leaves.  Any spanking administered with a wooden hairbrush will always be remembered, but I find its effectiveness is due to the long lasting soreness that comes with it.  A bottom that received a proper punishment from a hairbrush can remain sore for well over a week.  Today, I added a new free spanking gallery featuring bare bottom discipline with a hairbrush, you can view this new gallery HERE.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/14 at 11:24 AM


As a few days have passed without a blog post, I am sure there are thoughts that I have gone off the reservation again.  I want to assure all of my loyal readers that I simply making a schedule adjustment, now that summer is here.  I do not work a regular 9-5 job, so when school in not in session, I do not have the same time available to me for blogging.  I need another week or so, for everything to be in place for me to be able to work daily again.  I will reward all of you for your patience with a new free spanking gallery today.  Rest assured that I am still back in the game, but I am a stay at home dad, and my priorities change in the summer.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/14 at 10:40 AM

[ Sunday, June 08, 2008 ]

Domestic Discpline

It has been a little while since I have visited the Taken in Hand website, and I had forgotten what a great resource that it is.  There are many men and women out there that fantasize about a full-time relationship that utilizes domestic discipline.  In these modern times, that concept is foreign to many people and often feels like a step back to the 50’s.  But for many, a relationship such as this can be quite fulfilling, has the ability to actually increase the level of communication and intimacy, and takes the sensual exchange of power to a new level.  A true domestic discipline relationship has the ability to take some of the play out of spanking and can turn the role playing into reality. 

There are very few spanking sites out there that I really consider an educational resource, but there is no doubt that Taken in Hand is truly that.  This is not a site to visit when you are looking for good spanking content.  This is truly a resource for consenting couples looking for information regarding the pros and cons of a full-time disciplinary relationship.  Quite honestly, a relationship such as this is not always the easiest or most realistic thing to pursue.  But for just about any potential problem that may come up, I guarantee there is an article at Taken in Hand that addresses how other DD couples have handled that experience. 

One thing that I find the most appealing about the articles written for this site, is the love.  Domestic discipline may not be for everyone, but it is clear from reading through the site, that the people who have found the right balance and are making a DD relationship work, are closer and more connected as a result.  This site is an especially valuable resource for women who struggle with how to tell their husbands that they desire a little discipline in their lives.  Two thumbs up for Taken in Hand and their very real contributions to the world of consensual adult spanking relationships. 

Taken in Hand is a free site, and I do not get a penny for writing about them.  This blog post is truly about supporting a site that is providing a service for everyone that is even just a little curious about the reality of a domestic discipline relationship. 

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/08 at 10:48 AM

[ Saturday, June 07, 2008 ]

Domestic Discipline- wife spanked otk with hairbrush

A nice little otk hairbrush spanking from a loving husband.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/07 at 12:02 PM

Wooden paddle updates at Firmhand Spanking

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From the member’s area of Firm Hand Spanking

There have been a few good hard paddling updates over at Firm Hand Spanking.  The most recent update features Kailee, originally from the Realspankings family of sites grabbing her ankles for a school style paddling.

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From the member’s area of Firm Hand Spanking

Also not to be missed is Lizzy Madison’s paddling over her cute panties and eventually her bare bottom.

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From the member’s area of Firm Hand Spanking

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From the member’s area of Firm Hand Spanking

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/07 at 11:37 AM

[ Wednesday, June 04, 2008 ]

Spanking Chat

Recently I have been finding my way into spanking chat rooms again.  While the chat room at World Spanking Forum is always up and running, it does not see regular traffic.  When a chat does get started there, it tends to get pretty busy.  A new feature is the “who is chatting” link, located in the left margin of the forum.  This allows you to see who is in the room before logging in.  If you are a member of the forum, your username and password will work for logging in.  If you are not a member, just pick a username and leave the password area blank to login.

Over at Happy Tails there seems to be a chat every night.  They tend to get started after 9:00 PM (mountain time), and by 10:00 there is a group that has always gathered.  You can check who is chatting before logging in, by clicking HERE, or go directly to their spanking chat here.  I skip back and forth between the two, so I look forward to chatting with you all.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/04 at 08:47 AM
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