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By Request, Men Being Spanked OTK by Women

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In my past post about young men being spanking by the beautiful women of Women-Spanking-Men it has a comment that inquired as to if we have any pictures of the men being spanked over the knee.  My answer, is of course I do.  He also wanted to know about what former spanking models served the role of the spanker at Women-Spanking-Men.  Off the top of my head, I believe spanking models turned spanker for this site include Jessica, Brandi, Cindy, Kailee, Jasmine, Claire, Monica, and Betty.  Plus of course you have Miss J, Lady D, and Ms Burns, and while they are for the most part just spankers on the site, all of them have also been spanked for scenes on

My philosophy when hiring spankers is that you can’t spank until you have been on the other side first.  While some people like Ms. Burns came to us with tons of experience, that is not the case for everyone.  Lady D went through a quite lengthy apprenticeship under the hands of Miss J before she was ever allowed to spank, and clearly she rose to become the best in the business.  There are even a few videos on Women-Spanking-Men in which you can watch Miss J or Lady D training a model to spank while it was all being filmed.  As for the last question posed by the comments to the previous post, who spanks you at Women-Spanking-Men is not always up to you, but you can certainly express a preference.

For those of you have who have previously sent a request to be spanked, you should know that Miss J has been hard at work over the past couple of weeks sorting through those applications.  If you would like to reapply to be in a scene, please resubmit your form from the site.  Miss J is now reviewing all requests personally and starting to line up new guys to be spanked in the new studio.

In an attempt to keep this page loading faster, more of the pictures that accompany each post will be in the extended version of the post.  Just click the “MORE” link below for a few more pictures of the males being spanked otk by the ladies of Women-Spanking-Men.

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Posted by Michael Masterson on 03/31 at 10:21 AM


The thought of Miss J putting together a starting line up for new guys on WSM, gives me the idea that she should have a sign that says "Principals Office" on the front of her office door. Something tells me she could easily have 8 to 10 guys lined up in the hall way for an old fashioned paddling session as each one in turn assumes the position across the front of her desk.

Mr. M, I sent you an E-mail this AM. Have a great week!

Thanks, Razor
Posted by  on  03/31  at  04:49 PM | #

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