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The Walk

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From the member’s area of Spanking Online

There is an aspect of spanking and corporal punishment that I find adds a lot to a scene, but have been unable to do much of on video, and that is the walk.  There is an extra sense of anticipation and dread that goes along with having to travel in some manner to the location of an upcoming punishment.  It can happen in many forms; being sent to your room to wait for your punishment, being escorted by the spanker to a place that is better suited for a spanking to take place, or even being sent to retrieve the implement to be used on your own bottom.

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I think a lot of what I find exciting about this aspect of a spanking is that it once again hits on a couple of things that I like to see in a spanking scene, which are formality and cooperation.  Sitting down and discussing the misbehavior, deciding on the fact that a spanking will be used as the punishment, and then relocating to an area that is ideally suited for a spanking to take place makes it a very formal event.  It is far different than just being angry and pulling the naughty young lady over your knee for a spontaneous spanking.  In that same regards, this process makes the spankee more of a participant in their spanking and helps to create ownership of their offense.  It actually forces them to actively participate in their own spanking.  They are not just going to be spanked; they have to walk themselves to the location that it is going to take place.

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Another highly appealing aspect to the walk is the anticipation.  Once you are being sent to the location to be spanked, the decision has already been made.  This is far different than being sent to your room so the problem can be discussed.  This is a situation in which each step you take brings you closer to the moment you dread.  You do not want this to happen, you know your bottom is about to be blistered, but yet you keep placing one foot in front of the other and are assisting in the process of your own punishment.  For me, some of the foundations of what I really find exciting about spanking exist at this very moment. 

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Spanking is exciting and appealing to me on many levels, and much of it has nothing to do with the actual physical application of the spanking.  For whatever reason, the walk and situations that create a similar dynamic can really make the difference between a good spanking scene and a bad one.  It goes even beyond just being sent to your room to wait for a spanking.  I also find the concept of being escorted to where you are to be spanked quite exciting.  This makes the anticipation instant and there is no doubt that when the destination is reached, the punishment will begin.  It allows those final thoughts of “why did I do that”?  It creates and defines instant dominance and submission when someone is able to grab you by the arm and take you somewhere to bare your bottom and apply physical discipline.

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from the member’s area of Firm Hand Spanking

The final situation that falls within this category is being sent to get the implement.  There are very few acts that feel as submissive as actually getting up and going to locate the item that will be the tool used for your discipline.  It is one thing to get spanked with a paddle or a hairbrush, but quite a different thing to go and fetch a paddle or hairbrush to be used on your bottom.  Having to carry the implement gives you that extra moment of dread as you consider what it is going to feel like.  In reality, you could probably just run, but you know it is your actions that created this moment and you are somehow compelled to continue the walk, carrying the tool that is about to be responsible for great pain and discomfort on your bottom.  Once again, before any spanking has even taken place we have created a dynamic that is almost as powerful as the discipline itself.

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From the member’s area of Spanking Online

Unfortunately, with the limitations of a studio shoot, this is often hard to create.  It takes a while to light a scene and get all of the equipment setup in a manner in which it is not visible.  It takes a lot of time and effort to try and add parts to a spanking scene that take place outside of the primary room in which filming is taking place.  We have played with this concept a little, but if the situation was a little easier to capture, I would incorporate it much more often.  So, for all of you consensual adult spankers out there that are looking to add a little flavor to your spanking and discipline sessions, do not underestimate the power of the walk.  I find that anything that the person in trouble has to do to assist with their own punishment can bring a lot to the traditional and formal feel of a spanking.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 06/29 at 02:16 PM


I could not agree more... there is definitely something to the build up of it. I think that having the spankee participate (such as having tocut and trim a switch from a tree) is one of the most effective parts of a punishment, and tends to be more effective than the punishment itself.
Posted by Ron  on  07/01  at  07:31 AM | #
Great post smile And I've only seen 'the walk' depicted on video just a handful of times--would love to see more of that from spanking producers, as well as the iconic "Get to your room..." type of walk.

Posted by Dave  on  07/11  at  12:24 AM | #

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