The moment of impact
I was reading the SpankBoss’Spanking Blog and saw that he posted a few impact photos. This reminded of the fact that I created an impact gallery on a couple of years ago. The problem with impact photos is that you either get really lucky with the timing of the picture, or you have to use frame grabs from the video sequences. While a lot of sites use frame grabs as filler content, I have never been a big fan. The quality is always too low for my tastes. Several months ago I saw a few pictures that were taken from a high speed camera in which it was sound activated. The impact photos taken with this setup were fantastic. If anyone knows of the link to these impact photos, please let me know, I have lost track of the link and would like to investigate the equipment they used for these shots. Click the “more” link below for more impact photos from the impact gallery.
All of the photos below come from
I like impact shots when I see them. They are a rarity, yes. But they really make the reality of the situation strike home. Of the ones you posted, I liked the hand strapping scene. that is the way school cp was done when i was in school. I never got it, as its use was being phased out. I did get some hand spankings in second and third grade. I also managed to frame someone into getting the strap in 5th grade. I almost got framed myself in 7th grade. So the strap has a moth-to-flame fascination for me.
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