School Corporal Punishment
Thoughts on the use of the paddle in US Schools
Photo from the “School Swats Series” at
As a content producer, I receive so many requests to see school type paddling scenes. In a future post, I will discuss in detail why I think people’s spanking desires are so closely tied with childhood experiences, but for now I just want to explore the whole school paddling concept. One of the reasons I feel it is such a requested scene is because for many, this was their only exposure to spanking or corporal punishment. It is one of the few variations of childhood spankings that has a fairly public aspect to it. There are many people, while they were never physically punished at home or at school, that were exposed for the first time to spanking in the school environment. I need to make it clear, that while I will often discuss the childhood ties to spanking and even go as far as describing some, I do not think it is right or an effective form of discipline. I am a parent and have never once spanked, or even considered spanking, my child. There are so many other forms of discipline that are far more effective. But, I do fully understand that a lot of this fetish revolves around childhood experiences, or situations that make one feel like a child. While I do not recommend spanking children, I will not tiptoe around the topic when relating adult fantasy to childhood experiences or memories.
At the heart of it, it relates a lot to the cause and effect situation that I discussed in a previous post. With school corporal punishment we have a situation in which if someone chooses to break a rule, the results of their actions will be a painful stimulus applied to their bottom. In many cases it also done without the emotional involvement that a parent may have with the situation. A rule has been broken and the school administrator’s job is to paddle the child. The submission aspect is made even more powerful, in that in many cases they are submitting to a person they hardly know. On the web, we see many stories and “true accounts� of school paddling. People are often caught up in the fantasy and if you did not grow up in a paddling state, it is very difficult to know what is fact and what is fiction.
I moved to Texas the summer before I began 7th grade. Texas is one of the leaders in school paddling, so I found out first hand the reality of school paddling. In addition, as someone that was interested in spanking from an early age, I asked a lot of questions of my friends that were paddled. On top of that, as a content producer, I have been able to interview and communicate with hundreds of people in regards to their real life spanking experiences, so I feel I have a good grasp of what really takes place. Let’s start with the fallacies in regards to school corporal punishment. I do not know of a single verified case of school corporal punishment, in the United Stated, in which the punishment was applied on the bare bottom. Even in the 50’s and 60’s when school corporal punishment was more common, with less fear of lawsuits and sexual harassment charges, I do not know of a case. I have communicated with a couple of people that attended private religious schools, in which they were spanked, paddled, or strapped on their underwear, with skirts up or pants down. I believe this to have happened in a private school environment, but highly doubt it takes place anymore. Most schools today, that still use corporal punishment, have very strict guidelines as to how it is to be applied. Accounts that discuss more than 10 swats being applied, I feel are also generally false.
For the most part (while clearly different depending on the school) I think that the guidelines for paddling a student are similar. Most schools have an implement specified in their corporal punishment guidelines. In most cases this is a wooden paddle. Some religious institutions still use a strap or sometimes a ruler or yardstick, but a wooden paddle seems to be the implement of choice in most public schools. The reason for this its overall effectiveness in any given situation. Clothing does very little to protect someone’s bottom when a heavy wooden paddle is being used. It is easy to vary the degree of severity of a wooden paddle, so it can be used in whatever way the situation requires. A wooden paddle, especially one with holes, has a huge psychological effect. There are very few implements that conjure up fear in the eyes of those about to be punished, like that of a wooden paddle. Most schools specify in their policies the maximum amount of swats that can be applied in a given day. Most schools also require a witness, which is not another student, to be present for the punishment. I am sure this greatly cuts down on the amount of lawsuits, due to the fact that there is someone present other than the student and the administrator that can state what happened. Most school guidelines require the person that is doing the paddling to be the same sex as the student, or at least have the witness be the same sex. Most schools require that a paddling take place outside of the view of other students. While most schools require that the punishment be administered by an administrator, often the vice principal who is usually in charge of discipline, there are still many schools in which every teacher has the power to paddle a student. I know a teacher in Oklahoma who states that hearing a student paddled in the hallway is more than a daily occurrence in her school. While she rarely paddles, she is called by other teachers into the hallway, to act as a witness, several times a week.
My first exposure to school paddling was something I heard. I served as an office runner at my junior high, which meant that there was one period a day in which I worked at the office and ran notes to teachers for the administrators. The first time I heard one, it really caught me off guard and I did not realize it was happening until I heard it. A student was in the VP’s office with the door closed. At some point the door opened and the VP came out and said something to the office secretary. The secretary followed him into his office and the door was closed behind them. About a minute later I was startled by an unbelievably loud sound. It was quickly very clear that someone was being paddled. Words cannot really describe how loud it was, it was so loud I was scared for whoever was in there. For anyone who thinks that a school paddling is ornamental and not painful, this is not the case. There was no doubt from the sounds that this paddling was being applied as hard as this very large VP could apply it. There were a total of three swats, applied around 5 seconds apart. About 30 seconds after the last swat, the door opened and the secretary came out and went back to her work as if nothing had happened. This was just a daily part of her job and it seemed to have no effect on her. It was close to 10 minutes later before the student came out, and while he attempted to put a smile on his face for all of the people that were now looking at him, you could tell from his eyes that he had been crying. While there was an aspect to the whole thing that was a little bit exciting, it was mostly just scary.
I will revisit this topic again in the future and describe my personal experiences as well as that of close friends of mine.
I'm sure my interest in spanking was sparked by spankings received in my Christian elementary school. All the teachers had ping pong paddles, and they had permission to spank you in your underpants. Those spankings were bad enough, but the principal used a strap. And he would have you take off your underpants as well. He would often lecture you while you were standing in front of him half naked. It was very embarassing but also erotic to me.Next entry: What is the attraction to spanking
Previous entry: Favorite Spanking Implements