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Anyone need a good paddle?

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Posted by Michael Masterson on 01/28 at 04:51 PM


My lord......what a beauty. Love this alluring, intriguing stunner.
Posted by Dave  on  01/29  at  11:02 PM | #
Ironic that this is posted Michael after the news of the Rutgers sorority that was charged with excessive hazing of its pledges....201 swats with the board over an eight day period? Unless someone is a serious spanko that is outrageous. I am all for severe corporal punishment, but even I think that's out there. I love the notion of sorority girls paddling each other's behinds until they are very sore, but not necessarily injured like this. Keep up the good work. I love your sites and your products.
Posted by  on  01/31  at  11:12 AM | #
Why yes, that would be a maple wood paddle she is holding here. Terry, a fellow WSM sufferer like myself, was also a Virtuoso in wood working. He used to make those paddles for AEG. It weighs about 1/2 a pound and has a considerable sting upon impact. Another great feature about this design is most of the weight is in the handle rather than the blade. The paddle is better balanced in this case in order to deliver a series of strokes accurately and safely. Plus it's light weight doesn't knock the wind out of a model who's never been paddled before. Trust me, that's important when you're filming with a girl who's not all that familiar with being spanked with wooden implements. Terry sent me one a couple of years ago, and I brought it with me to use throughout a two week Firm Hand shoot on three different models last year. It worked out considerably well since two of the ladies I shot had limited experience in being spanked.

Gotta admit, Lilla is looking hot as hell presenting a paddle as she looks toward you with those big brown & seductive eyes of hers. I hope she remains with RS for a long time to come.

Posted by  on  02/01  at  05:03 PM | #
Hi Michael,
Did you care to weigh in on the topic of the pretty extreme paddling/hazing that occurred at Rutgers University sorority? I'm eager to hear your thoughts...especially in light of this cute paddle topic.
Posted by  on  02/01  at  07:17 PM | #

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