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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spammers Give up already!!!

Yo, you stupid spamming idiot dipshits.  This blog is fully moderated and no comment gets through without me reading it personally.  It is not looked at by a bot, there is no one else that can approve a comment but myself.  Give it up already, you will not use the popularity of my blog to post your stupid crap.  GIVE UP!  Have you actually seen one of your stupid spams actually make it onto this blog in the last 2 years???? 

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/10 at 08:45 PM

Realistic Sorority Paddling Gallery is now up

I have posted the first of the free sorority paddling galleries in the Free Spanking Galleries.  This first gallery is really the best of the pictures.  Many of them already exist on my blog, but are scattered all over the place.  This gallery is called “Realistic Sorority Paddling” and features pictures in which it appears to me that a sorority girl actually received a swat, or is about to receive one.  In some cases a picture in that gallery may exist because it is part of a series of pictures in which it seems a paddling took place.  Now certainly, for the most part, not too many of these pictures are actually sorority hazing, or sorority discipline.  For many of the photos I was able to read the description of the event that led to the paddling and there are several common themes.

One of the most common pictures is a paddling from their “big sister”.  In the world of sororities, each pledge has what is referred to as their “big sister”, often just called their “big”.  A pledge is required to make a paddle to be presented to her big sister during a sort of paddle ceremony, sometime also called “paddle party”.  Typically on this night, when the paddle is presented, a single swat is exchanged between the girls.  I would guess that in most of the pictures that you see a paddling taking place, in which very formal attire is being worn, this is what we are witnessing.  Obviously traditions vary, and in some pictures I see the pledge or “little sister”, receiving swats from all of the bigs.  Another common theme to many of the pictures is the traditional scavenger hunt that most pledge classes do as an activity.  Many of these pictures were described as “get a picture of pledge being paddled” for the scavenger hunt.  Often these paddlings just seem to be the fact that frat boys and sorority girls party a lot and most frat and sorority house have paddles hanging everywhere.  A little alcohol, cute sorority bottoms, paddles on the wall...well you do the math. 

The paddling gallery that I just uploaded is missing a few of the better and newer pictures that I have.  These pictures include some of the best reactions to being paddled that I have ever scene.  They all come from the same formal event and the girls are really laying into each other.  My batch processor would not allow files of this size, so I am going to do a little photoshop work on them this afternoon and then get them added to the current gallery.  So, if youu have already gone through all of the pictures, be sure to check again tonight, there will be a few new ones.

Over the next couple of days I will add the rest of the sorority paddling photos to new sub galleries.  The rest of the pictures are not quite as good.  Some only show a girl waiting to be paddled, some are the goofy posed pictures in which no paddling actually seems to take place, but are too cute not to post.  The final gallery will be one that simply shows the look on the young ladies’ face after receiving a good swat or two.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/10 at 07:53 AM

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Chat tonight

I will be hosting a chat tonight at 9:00 PM Mountain time (GMT -07:00) at the World Spanking Forum.  Drop in and say hi.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/09 at 04:32 PM

A final goodbye to sorority paddling pictures

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Well, a couple days ago I discussed the fact that i kind of felt like I brought the sorority paddling picture craze to the world of spanking blogs.  I also said that I had finally just quit posting them as a result of them being available everywhere on the web, and figured they were not all that unique anymore.  Just when I thought I had put the sorority paddling photos behind me, I received a very nice comment from a blog visitor that thanked me for all that I have done and making him feel more comfortable with his spanking thoughts.  He also requested that I do not give up on posting the real sorority paddling pictures and begin to do it again.  I went through my archives today and found that I do have 370 different sorority paddling pictures in that folder.  Some have already been posted, some have not.  Some, like the one above, look very authentic, some are clearly posed pictures without any paddling actually taking place.  So here is what I have decided to do.  I am going to go through the entire collection, categorize them, and then take the best and put them into my free spanking galleries.  Some may be repeats, some probably exist in many places on the web currently, some may be brand new to all of you.  Give me a week or so to process all of these files and get them organized, then I will put them all in one place and you can have your own private sorority paddling party right on your computer monitor.  For those of you who choose to never post a comment on this blog, hopefully you now see that I read everything and what you have to say can make a difference on what you see here.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/09 at 03:50 PM

“Not Spanked as a Kid”

Now this is a great blooper from Fox News

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/09 at 03:33 PM

Control Panel changes

Ok, it took me a little while to figure it all out, but if you now login to your account (top left of the main page) and start looking around at your control panel, you will see new features.  There is both an internal private message system, as well as the ability to e-mail other members.  The memberlist link is at the top right of your control panel.  There is also an internal bulletin board system that you may use to post general messages that anyone can read on the bulletin board.  From now on, information like I am posting now will be done with internal communication and not be posted on the blog, so check your control panel on occasion for new developments and some beta testing that I may ask members to participate in.  You should consider updating your profiles, you can now add a picture and an avatar as well as a signature file.  As a member, you should also look at your settings and determine the permissions to be set.  You can decide if anyone can private message you, or e-mail you, and basically what access you want other members to have to you.  Your e-mail address is never shown if someone sends you an e-mail, but if you send an external e-mail through the system, the person that receives it will see your e-mail address.  Private messages are exactly that, they are internal and no information is given except the member’s screen name. 

There are 1100 like minded people that are active members of this blog, so I thought I would create a way for people to be able to communicate with each other privately.  NOW FOR THE BIG WARNING- I almost stopped blogging due to some of the bullshit spamming and other crap that was going on.  One thing that I have added to this system is some of the best “blacklisting” software money can buy.  If you start spamming the bulletin board, harassing other members, or generally just start acting like an idiot, you will be banned.  This is not just your username, not just your e-mail, but also your IP address.  This doesn’t mean that you will no longer be a member, my software makes it so you are automatically redirected to when you try to access my page.  So if you ever type in and end up at Yahoo, then you must have crossed the line in a very big way.  If anyone finds they are being harassed in any way, contact me immediately.  As a member, in your control panel you can ignore anyone, you can choose to never receive a single PM or e-mail, so take a look around and decide what settings are best for you.  For global problems you encounter in your control panel, post a bulletin, so I can respond in a way that everyone can read.  If you have an individual concern, just select “compose new message” in your Private Messages folder and input Michael Masterson as the recipient.  Please still post comments in the blog comments section and try not to overwhelm me with PM’s unless it is something that really needs my attention.  Thanks to all of my loyal members, this is step one in membership to this blog really having its privileges.  There is much more to come as this blog becomes more of a community and not just a place to read a pervert’s thoughts.  So get to work updating your profiles so we can get to know everyone better.

Michael Masterson

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/09 at 02:30 PM

Free membership options

Ok, 1191 current members on the blog, and currently there seems to be no purpose for this.  If you do login to your account, you will see there are many options for your account.  Currently, the message and bulletin board systems do work as well as the subscription options.  Any message sent to “super-admins” will go directly to me.  If you are looking to just start being social, you can send a “intro” message to all members, which will allow them to know your membership name and could start the communication rolling. 

As I move forward with new blog features, your membership will serve more of a purpose, so start looking up that login info, updating your profiles, adding pictures and avatars, etc.  There will be more community type features as the blog grows and I update some of the software and modules.  There will also be some galleries in the future available only to members and will not give public access.  Nothing will be happening in the next couple of weeks, but the blog is about to become much more than a blog, and will be soon be your source for more than just my daily ramblings.

Michael Masterson

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/09 at 07:00 AM

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Yikes, even more painful thigh, calves ,and feet caning.

Ok, if yesterday’s leg caning video was not your thing, be sure to avoid this one. 

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This is a truly severe punishment that I would not wish on anyone.  This poor young lady takes ten strokes with a heavy cane on the backs of her calves, followed by ten strokes with a switch to the backs of her calves.  But wait...there is more.  She then receives ten hard strokes with the heavy cane on the backs of her thighs followed by, yes you guessed it, ten strokes of the switch to the backs of her thighs.  When you see the look on her face, you can tell she has learned a very real lesson at this point.  With the fixed camera, no zooms, and limited lighting, I tend to believe that this might indeed be a real punishment between consenting adults and not a commercial production.  Did I mention that her punishment is not over at this point?  She is then made to kneel on a block of wood and take two sets of ten strokes with the heavy cane to the bottoms of her feet.  If the man doing the caning is her husband, I would guess that she will be a good girl from now on.  As before, click the “MORE” link for the full video.  Because of how slow these videos tend to load, I would suggest right clicking the “MORE” link and selecting “open page in new window” or “open page in new tab”.  Pause the video, get back to browsing the internet (my blog hopefully) and come back to the video in a few minutes when you can watch it without all of the pausing.  Also note, that if you sit through all the pauses, if you hit replay, it will play straight through.  Also, the button on the bottom of the video screen, third from the right pops the video full-screen and the resolution is almost good enough to watch at this size, depending on your browser settings. 

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/08 at 07:56 PM

Monday, April 07, 2008

Painful punishments…caning of the feet, thighs, and calves.

Well it seems that the Koreans seem to have a thing for applying very painful punishments, with a cane, to parts of the body below the bottom.  The logical place seems to be the thighs:

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But they do not seem content with simply caning the thighs, they often want to move even farther down the leg and give the calves a good work over:

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As if that was not enough, for all you loves of foot punishments, well I have that as well:

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Personally I really like this type of punishment.  I do not think it is all that safe and I rarely cane anywhere lower than a couple of inches below the bottom.  I feel the safest spankings focus on the fleshier parts of the body.  But this does not mean I do not like to watch it.  The main reason being that a spanked bottom tends to lend itself to some sexual excitement.  When the nerve endings in the butt get stimulated, well it has a tendency to travel to the erogenous zones.  But a foot caning or a calf caning, does very little to stimulate your sexual areas and it can really only be considered true corporal punishment.  I have been fortunate enough to locate more than a dozen fairly serious punishment videos, with the main focus being severe canings of the calves that leave very real welts and bruises.  These are not fun little spanking videos, but serious discipline applied to the legs and feet.  The site that these videos stream fun is not very speedy, and sometimes just annoying.  As a result I will post the embedded video in the extended text area, so it does not affect the loading time of my main blog page.  The first video I will be sharing from my collection is from the pictures below.  For this punishment a young Korean girl is made to stand on a stool and take many hard strokes of the cane to her calves.  The spanked does not go easy on her, and I almost feel sorry for the poor young lady, clearly this punishment is leaving marks that will have her out of that dress and wearing long pants for days:

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Over the next week or so I will post a dozen or more similar videos, including the videos for all of the pictures included in this post.  Click the “MORE” link and cross your fingers that this video loads.  Enjoy!

The server this video loads from is very slow, so if the video keep starting and stopping, pause itfor a minute or two and then you should be able to watch it without the pauses.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/07 at 08:47 PM

And now for something completely different…

With as many blogs as many spanking blogs as there are out there, it is hard to stand out.  I have a little bit of an advantage being a producer and owning the legal copyrights to close to a million spanking photos and more than 5,000 spanking videos.  But, for me that has never been enough.  I like to think that I kind of started the sorority paddling pictures craze with the early posts on my blog.  So may sites are using them, some are even selling them, that I no longer even post the additional sorority paddling pictures that I still have.  Once the word gets out, everyone just grabs them and puts them on their blog.  In my quest to always find something unique, I spend a lot of times doing less than traditional searches for content.  I am quite sure that in just a few days, this very unique content that I have been hanging onto will be on every blog on the web.  But remember, you saw it here first.  My next post will shed a little light on the unique content I have found.  I will post some teaser pics and a single video, then I will just start putting the videos up on a regular basis.  More by the end of tonight.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/07 at 08:38 PM

A real punishment for teen Brandi and some behind the scenes spanking information

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Ok, this is a long one with lots of pictures and a very detailed account of one of the only spankings I ever administered to a model that had nothing to do with filming content and everything to do with her really be in trouble with me.  This is a detailed account of a video on in which I gave her the spanking and related punishments that she had earned for her real life behavior and did not pay her a penny for the scene.  Due to the length, this entire account is on a separate page, click the “MORE” link to read the entire post.

Brandi from is a very unique model in many different ways, so I thought I would share a little behind the scenes info with you.  First of all, Brandi is truly a gourgeous young lady.  Her legs go on forever, her bottom is one of the best in the industry, and she is truly one of the cutest models to ever enter out studio.

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One of the most unique aspects of her work with us, was my relationship with Brandi.  You must understand, that while I love to spank, it is not always an easy job to have.  There are many models that we spank that absolutely hate it, on the other hand there are models that really enjoy it.  Brandi fall somewhere in between, being that she does find some aspects of spanking sexually appealing, but when it really comes down to getting a hard a spanking, she is never very thrilled to be there and for the most part has hated every spanking she has ever received.  It is generally easy to tell on any of our sites which models enjoy being spanked.  The ones that are into the scene usually receive the hardest spankings.  The ones that are just there for a paycheck take as much as they can, but the spankings tend to be a little less severe than the ones into it.  It does create some inner conflict as a spanker to know that you are administering a hard spanking to someone that would rather be anywhere else in the world at that moment.  You have to find a balance between getting good content and respecting the model’s own limits.

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For me, and Lady D I would suspect, we never had a problem spanking Brandi full force is most of her scenes, even though this is not what she would have preferred to happen.  The thing is, outside of the studio, Brandi was truly a naughty girl.  She lacked a lot of discipline and structure in her life and clearly should have been under her parent’s guidance for several more years than she was.  When I pulled my belt off to give Brandi and good butt whipping, I never hesitated to lay on the strokes as hard as I could.  She always made the mistake before each shoot of sharing her misadventures from the previous weekend, which made it quite easy to give her a truly real punishment, knowing that her actions had certainly earned her the discipline she was about to receive.  Now I am not saying that it was my place to determine if she was bad and needed to be spanked for her behavior outside of work, I am simply saying that when giving her a hard spanking, it created much less conflict for me because I knew that in some way, she was getting away with a lot of stuff that should have been punished for in the first place.  This is why, for someone who has filmed as many scenes for us, she ended up really crying more than any other model we have ever spanked.

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An interesting story that is kind of explained in the member’s area of her site is one that I thought I would elaborate on for you her.  With many models, on many of our sites, we have tried to find ways to incorporate some aspect of real discipline into the scenes.  If a model is late for a shoot, we decide to shoot a scene that day in which they are punished for being late.  These are true, but are still shot just like any other scene in which we discuss with them before hand the spanking, what implement, the position, etc.  On Brandi’s site, we did a whole series in which she really did make a list of many things she got away with when she was a younger teen living with her parents, that over several weeks we gave her the discipline that she felt those situations would have called for at the time.  But there is one scene in particular that I did with Brandi that is the closest I have ever really come to a spanking being non-consensual. 

In the very early days of her site, Brandi took the bus to the studio and it started to become a hassle for all of us.  We like to be able to schedule a time without having to consider bus schedules and such, and I needed to find a solution.  This was before we realized Brandi was a crazed party animal or even of legal drinking age, so I made the decision to provide her with a vehicle.  I leased her a small truck that I did not use much, so she could have reliable transportation.  It was almost brand new and she could not have been more thrilled to have her first car.  In the beginning it seemed like a good plan and worked out well.  Eventually, Brandi demonstrated to me that maybe having her own car was a little too much responsibility for her and I ended up taking it back.  But here is where the problem started that led to the most real punishment spanking I have ever given to a model.  I received a letter from the Denver courthouse that informed me that a warrant was about to be issued for my arrest for my 7 unpaid parking tickets.  Being that I have never had a ticket of any kind in my entire life, I was a bit confused.  A little research led to the conclusion that Brandi, who lived downtown and could never find a place to park, received parking tickets all of the time.  She chose to deal with these tickets by throwing them in the trash of shoving them into the glove box.  It never occurred to her that she was driving a vehicle that was registered to me, so all of the tickets, while they only had the license plate number on the ticket, were being issued to the owner of the vehicle.  Needless to say, I freaked out a bit.  I called the county, paid all of the tickets, and resolved the issue and kept myself out of jail.  But obviously, there was going to be hell to pay for Brandi.  I decided before Brandi’s next shoot that this was going to be dealt with exactly how I wanted it to go and that Brandi would have no say in the manner.  When Brandi showed up for work, we had a private meeting with her in which the problem was discussed and she was told that the money for the tickets was coming out of her check and that that day’s filming was going to be dedicated to her punishment for the tickets and she was not going to be paid for the scene.  She was not told how, with what, for how long, or anything else, simply that she was going to be properly punished for her actions.

I wanted it to be as real as possible, so I had D go up and setup all of the cameras in the bedroom and just have them start recording before we even started.  Brandi was sent to “her room” and told to sit on the bed and just wait until we were ready to start her punishment.  She was told that D would come in with one of the tickets and they would start the earlier conversation that we had with her, from scratch, so her members would at least know what was going on.  So while the first clip of the scene is a little staged to catch the members up on the true story behind the spanking, everything else was very real.  This scene was no longer about just filming spanking content, it was about me making a very real impression on someone who was messing with my life.  Once D sent her up to the room, we made her wait a long time, much longer than we showed on camera because I know that nothing is worse than sitting around and dreading what is about to happen.  I knew that Brandi was nervous about being spanked by me for this, so I sent D up to get it all started, still making her wait to actually get things started with me.  D called me on the intercom and I decided to delay things further and just told D to get to work on the spanking and that I would up later to finish.  She was punished long and hard that day, and the cornertime that she was made to endure, while holding one of the tickets against the wall with her nose, is probably the longest cornertime a model has ever endured.  I would guess that we maybe showed 10% of it on camera.  After the whole thing was over she told me that she had never been so nervous in her entire life.  When to comes to getting in real life trouble that could lead to a spanking, I think the last person you want deciding your punishment is a spanking producer, who knows very well how to make it as bad as it can be.  Generally, the anticipation prior to a spanking scene and the cornertime after is just to make a good spanking video.  In this case, it was to make a very real point and one that I bet she still remembers to this day.

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So, for any of you who have ever questioned it, the picture above is very real, it really is one of the tickets that I ended up receiving in the mail, and her smeared makeup is the result of the tears that flowed that day.  The nervousness she shows in the first part of the video is real, she really was sent to her room and made to wait to be spanked, having no idea what to expect.  Also, as she left the studio that day with a sore butt and no check in her pocket, she had a little bit of a limp that showed her knees were still feeling the effects of the longest amount of time she ever spent kneeling in a corner.

The scene I am describing is titled “Spanked for Parking Tickets”, from the Feb. 10, 2003 update in the member’s area of

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/07 at 10:25 AM

Friday, April 04, 2008

New site designs and features at Firmhand Spanking & Girls Boarding School

For many years the biggest complaint about our site was the difficulty in navigating the member’s area.  We fixed that years ago and made the entire site searchable.  You can search by model, implement, spanker, or positions and it has made people much happier when looking for specific content.  In the old days, I had to build every page from scratch and it just became a mess to find something particular you were looking for.  Severeal years ago we added some server side PHP scripting that allowed the pages to be generated dynamically and allowed all of the search features to be possible.  Now all of OUR SITES are searchable and finding that model you love, or all of the scenes with a wooden school paddle being used, is quick and easy.

I am happy to report that two of my favorite sites out there Firm Hand Spanking and Girls Boarding School have both done the same thing.  The results are amazing and I could not be happier.  Navigation is so much easier, and you can just a load a single page that only has the scenes with the model you like the most.  Also a newer development with Girls Boarding School is that I am beginning to see more after photos, clearly taken a day or two after the model was spanked.  The picture below shows what a very hard strapping with a tawse in the diaper position followed by a hard caning, looks like a few days later.  If you have ever doubted if a spanking model feels the results of her punishment the next day, there is no denying in the picture below that her ass must be sore as hell:

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Picture from this week’s updates in the member’s area of Girls Boarding School

And speaking of bruised butts, Michaela McGowen is still feeling the wood at a Firm Hand Spanking.  My previous post about her taking hard wooden hairbrush spankings (see hairbrush spanking post here) demonstrated that she does not shy away from the more severe discipline.  But as much as I like to see a hairbrush spanking, I prefer to see a wooden school paddle come out for some serious punishment action:

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Picture from this week’s updates in the member’s area of Firm Hand Spanking

A final note about Firm Hand Spanking, is that on their free pages there are now quick video previews of each update.  Enjoy!

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/04 at 02:04 PM

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Realspankings Institute Update

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Raquel is such a cutie and her bottom always turns such wonderful shades of red.  These pictures are from the paddling that she took from yesterday’s updates at

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Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/03 at 02:57 PM
Site RelatedPermalink

Fem Dom discipline, face sitting, CBT, strap-ons and Men in Pain

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Picture courtesy of

As with my previous post regarding in which I talked about bondage used as a punishment tool, with things like breast bondage, crotch ropes, etc. (read full post here), I have somewhat similar feelings toward Fem Dom related content.  Ten years ago, I would have told you that unless I was actually the one going through the experience, that I had no interest in this type of content.  For me the whole “bark like a dog” & “lick my feet” type of scenes just doesn’t do anything for me.  Clearly I like a scene that is more of a corporal punishment related scenario such as those at Women-Spanking-Men.

But I do have to admit, that just as I have preferences for what types of female bondage scenes I like to see, I have begun to become quite fond of certain aspect of Fem Dom content.  Clearly, I want to see hard punishment spankings as part of the scene.  This used to define the type of content I would like to view, or site that I would have a subscription to, but that is no longer the only thing I am looking for.  I have become a huge fan of facesitting, or smothering.  For me there is something highly erotic about a woman using the parts of her body, which men desire so much, as a punishment tool.  When a women can use her most intimate areas to actually decide when his next breath will be, that is true dominance and submission.  Being the pervert that I am, I like it to be somewhat rough.  I do not just want to see a man tied down and the women squat over him and demand some oral attention.  I like to see her truly force herself onto him and let him know that his oral skill is the only thing that will allow him his next breath, so he better be working hard to impress her.

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With my previous posts regarding anal discipline, it should be no surprise that I also like this type of content.  For me, this particular area of Fem Dom is a mixed bag.  Being that spanking revolves around bottom related pain, I have always found the use of large butt plugs to be a good supplement to a proper punishment.  On the Fem Dom sites, there is obviously a lot of content with women using strap-ons on the men they are punishing.  But, as strange as it is, this particular type of punishment I am very specific as to what I want to see.  Please understand that I am probably the least homophobic person you will ever meet, but honestly the site of a man’s cheeks spread does very little for me.  The only way I really like the strap-on scenes, is if the man is hating it.  I want to see these strap-ons being used as a punishment tool, not an instrument of pleasure.  Now in the scenes when a women straps on a giant dildo and is getting the same reaction from the man as she would from a hard caning, then I find it quite exciting.

Additional types of scenes that I really like to see is CBT (cock and ball torture).  It is only with the emergence of sites such as that I have begun to enjoy this type of content.  Before sites were getting a little more daring, CBT simply used to be pictures and videos of men’s penis and balls being tied up.  But once again, when it seems to serve as a punishment and there is sexual stimulation also occuring, it is much more exciting.  I love all the scenes on in which a man’s privates are tied in such a way, that when she decides to masturbate him, or give him some oral attention, that when he begins to achieve an erection it becomes somewhat of a punishment.  Something else that relates fairly well to this that is very common on this site is denial.  Now that we are actually seeing spanking and bondage content in which penetration and sexual contact takes place the denial scene is getting much more common.  Those ladies just love to ride a man until he is about to explode and then simply stop and whip him for awhile.  They perform amazing blowjobs until the guy is begging to be able to cum and then they just go on to tease him some more.  Once again, we have turned pleasure into a true punishment. 

If you haven’t figured it out, I am writing about one of the many sites in the Hogtied family of sites.  This is the first site to truly incorporate all of the things I look for in Fem Dom scene.  Click the “MORE” link below for some additional face sitting, cbt, and strap on pics, all provided by

If you wondered how she was able to get the man in the top picture to stay still for such a bottom bruising caning, the answer is simple:

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The picture below is a good example of CBT without me getting too graphic with the pictures.  With his balls pulled tight, he is clearly not going anywhere and as his erection increases the upper ties just get tighter.  Clearly whipping his penis is not a pleasant experience.

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And or course we can not leave out the face sitting and smothering action.  Some of their best face sitting scenes involve two women, which clearly becomes overstimulating for the man:

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Well, I had a different picture chosen for this topic, but I decided to tone it down a little bit.  Being that this type of content on my blog is a bit different from what I traditionally post, I thought I better start slow with how graphic I am willing to be.  For the purposes of the discussion on the use of a strap by a woman on a man as a type of punishment, I will simply say that the device the woman is wearing in the picture below, completely dissapears inside the man during his punishment.  When you look at the size of thing, I do not think its use could be considered anything but real discipline.

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You can visit their site at a and the truly have the best selection of samples anywhere on the web.  You can view close to a dozen different images from every scene that they have filmed for their site.

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/03 at 12:41 PM

Spanking Site Passes

I have always been one to look at a lot of spanking content online, as a result I buy my memberships in bulk.  Here is a list of the current mega spanking site passes I subscribt to and recommend:

VIP Spanking

FemDom VIP

Spank Pass

As always, I never recommend sites or deals that I do not personally subscribe to. 

Posted by Michael Masterson on 04/03 at 12:14 PM
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