Spanking models…past and present

Over the years, we have certainly hired our share of models.  There are many models that I have liked for various reasons.  I think the first criteria that make models really stand out, is just general personality.  I love nothing more than when I have hired someone that just fits in with our little group.  A day of spanking shoots goes so much easy when we are working with girls that can just relax and have fun with us.  I think the next major criteria for models who have stood out over the years, is them being somewhat into spanking.  It makes my job so much more exciting when I am spanking a girl who has fantasized about it her whole life.  Even better are those models that are actually seeking real discipline for real life offenses.  It is not stated as often as I would like, due to some girls just not feeling comfortable talking about it on camera, but I have blistered dozens of bottoms on camera as a result of something that the young lady wanted to be punished for.  I so wish I could have shared every off camera lecture I have given a young lady, prior to her shoot, so it could be clear what she was really being punished for.  “Teen Jennifer” probably received this type of discipline on camera the most, but there were so many others that, regardless of what scenario we came up with on camera, were actually being punished for something completely different, and well as something very real in their eyes.

Obviously, another factor that makes one model stand out more than the rest is looks.  We have hired so many cuties over the years, it is almost hard to keep track.  So, I went through my archives and tried to find the original pictures of some of the models that I found to be quite attractive.  Their looks certainly differ, and I do not think all of them stand out as typical American beauties, but for whatever reason, stand out more than others in my eyes.  I thought I would take the time to share with all of you some of the cuter models we have hired over the years.  What is very unique about this large set of photos I am going to post is the fact that in every single one of these pictures, each of the girls had her picture taken immediately following her very first spanking in our studio.  We always start by shooting a model’s punishment profile, and minutes after that, we take their first pictures.  For some it was their first spanking in our studio, for some it was their first since being a child, and for a select few, it was the first spanking of their entire lives.  Click on any thumb for the original full size image to see each and every model that moment after their first spanking.

***Note that these are orginal uncompressed photos, so some are quite large and will load slowly***

spanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picturespanking picture

Wow, thanks for posting Mr. M. These really are a fabulous set of photographs and it's funny to see how some of my favorite cuties were yours as well. Cheers.
Posted by finnagain  on  02/22  at  09:18 PM

Is that "Sarah" in the last row of three the same little blond Sarah that was so well known on the site?
Posted by  on  02/22  at  10:24 PM

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