Cutie Spankee Updates


I have really been enjoying the latest updates on  As you have probably seen in my videos, I am not one to go all out when it comes to various themes and costumes in my productions.  I generally think that it just serves as a distraction.  But does it in a way that I really enjoy.  I am not sure exactly why they can pull it off, some of it may be based around the fact that the lines are spoken in Japanese (with sub-titles) therefore it does not seem as cheesy to me.  Another aspect is that they do a wonderful job with their costumes and set design.


My favorite update over the last couple of weeks, presents a scene in which an ice skating coach punishes her student for making falling down too much on the ice.  Her theory is that with a well paddled bottom, she will be less likely to fall, being that her butt is already so sore.  While I would typically find a scene of this type cheesy, I really enjoyed what they presented.  What I really like about the site, is that they do not go lightly with when using a wooden paddle.  As you know, wooden paddle punishments are some of my very favorites, but is is generally my least favorite scene to watch online.  The reason is that most sites, even ones that tend to spank hard, always go light whenever a wooden paddle is used.  I would much rather see a very hard handspanking than a light paddling.  This is one of the reasons that I often post about Firm Hand Spanking.  They know how to use a paddle and their models butts always show the proper results of a true paddling.

The same holds true with  The swats are always applied with a good deal of force and they never limit it to just a few swats.  In the ice skating video, the model takes well over 30 swats and there is no doubt that she felt the effects of this paddling for a few days.  While I like all of their content, they are slowly emerging as one of my favorite sites as a result of the hard paddling videos.  You may view the free samples on their site at  In addition, on the page Spanking Japan there are 6 free videos (2 with wooden paddles and one with a hairbrush) and a couple of dozen free pictures.

Frankly, both girls should be soundly paddled for wearing their skates in the house!
Posted by  on  07/26  at  02:41 PM

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