Adam and Gillian’s Sensual Whips and Toys

While their site has never really had the visibility of some of the bigger spanking implement stores, Adam and Gillian’s has been around longer than and implement maker that I know of.  They have always created quality products and I have been ordering from them for years.  Their specialty if anything leather and their work is remarkable.  Something that I have always enjoyed about their site is the severity rating of the implements.  These are players as well as craftsman, so they can give you good insight as to how a paticular implement feels.  In addition, they have some rare and hard to find implements such as “carcass beaters”, “truncheons”, and the feared “sjamboks”.  My favorite item on their site currently is the “Frat Bat”



This is a two foot long, 5 inch wide, 1/2 inch thick leather paddle.  While most leather paddles still seem to function more like a strap, this paddle is think enough to keep its stiffness and truly function like a wooden paddle.  With an implement such as this you can rest easy because the chance of injuring the tailbone is dramatically decreased than the risks with a wooden paddle.  So when that naughty woman or man in your life really needs a lesson they will never forget, you can put everything into your swing, and feel confident that a proper lesson will be learned without any unintentional long term effects. 

Show your support to one of the oldest spanking toy makers in the business and check out their site Adam and Gillian’s




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