Accounts of real spankings growing up.

A new member at the World Spanking Forum recently posted a very vivid childhood memory of a paddling she received (and clearly deserved) as a teen.  You can read her account here.

"You can read her account here."

Unfortunately, part of "her" account says "When I saw pictures of myself I hadn't seen for ages, they brought back a lot of memories from when I was a young teenager, and it reminded me what I was like at that age. The pictures don't show a boy who looks particularly troublesome, and maybe he wasn't really so bad, but I know more about him than what he looked like in the photos."

That sounds more like "she" is a "he."

Yes, the poster's name (which I won't state here, since you didn't, so you may have some reason not to) is more commonly a girl's first name (though there are plenty of examples of boys who also have it), and at first when I started reading his posts, I assumed he was a girl. But from the passage I quoted, it doesn't seem to be so.

Does it matter? Oddly, to me, it does. I enjoy much more reading a true-life account if I'm picturing a girl as the spankee rather than a boy. I'm not saying X/m stories shouldn't be told, only that I don't get much out of reading them (and didn't read this one, once the writer's gender became clear).

It also matters because people who have gender-ambigious names can be sensitive about it. I know; my LAST name is more commonly a girl's FIRST name, and that caused me plenty of embarrassment as a child. So if for no other reason than clarity, I thought I'd point out, this appears to be a "his account" not a "her account."
Posted by  on  04/11  at  11:37 PM

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