1. Just curious!,wonder?.if the girl watching the punishment was witnessing a guy her own age bent over that chair for a stingingly,severe series of swats!,from a mature male disciplinarian do you think?,she mightbe witnessing the paddling in a more amused frame of mind.

    Posted by  on  08/01  at  02:52 PM
  2. The girl in the background shows tension on her face, but otherwise she seems surprisingly relaxed.  Perhaps she is there to witness the punishment, not as the next one to slide her panties down and bend over the table.

    Posted by  on  01/12  at  08:35 PM
  3. Quite! correct Annadale,however if?,she was the next in line?,wouldn’t it be a fine and gentlemenly effort to accept the young lady’s punishment! for her…

    Posted by jaysen  on  01/08  at  01:30 PM
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