1. This girl just doesn’t know how much this is going to hurt and bounce around those big boobies.  Kris

    Posted by  on  02/04  at  04:36 PM
  2. She is about to spanked & her breasts are bared but she has her blue jeans on

    I wonder how she feels that it is not the other way around. As sexy as jeans are, a spanking, other than pysologically may not have an effect

    But that been said with less pain she will feel the embarrassment more

    Lovely girl with the face of an angel

    Posted by  on  12/11  at  03:29 PM
  3. Oh, my. Is baby sad to get spanking? Oh well then, we will make you to not be sad because you are getting spanky, but because you getting spanky! BANG WHACK OWWWWWWWW the paddle hits hard doensnt it baby? Oh let you titties dance or i will give more licks. SMACKKKK!! OWWW MAMMYYYYYY. Had enough baby. Yes Ma’am. Not nearly, I say. WHACK now over my knee baby. Take off your jeans and undies. mommy make you cry cry more

    Posted by  on  12/06  at  04:22 PM
  4. She’s lovely, such pretty eyes. I want to see her crying.

    Posted by  on  01/15  at  09:03 PM
  5. Pink nipples, blue eyes, and one tear descending!  What could be more lovely!

    Ladies who want the same, email me!

    -- Keith

    Posted by  on  08/13  at  02:08 AM
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